How to Prepare for a Home Inspection When Selling Your House

Think of this scary scenario. Imagine you’ve been working really hard for weeks preparing your home for sell. You’ve been working diligently with your realtor, contractor, home stager, and mortgage broker, to get everything perfect so that you can get your home sold for the most money so that you can move on to your next home. With great anticipation you wait for a good offer while your home is on the market and then, you get a great offer.

The excitement is a huge rush of adrenaline. You start thinking of the money you’re going to make and immediately start shopping online for your next home. The buyer’s inspection is complete and you get an email from your realtor that there are 10 major items from the inspection report that the buyer wants fixed before moving forward to buy the home. This scenario happens all too often real estate.

This scenario is a pretty easy situation to avoid. As a home seller you’ll need to personally do a home inspection yourself to make sure you’re aware of the potential issues that will come up on an inspection report when selling your home. By doing an inspection this will keep you from the shock of your buyer’s repair request. You can always hire an inspector to inspect your home so that you’re familiar with those things big and small to keep the selling process smooth.

Here’s a list of the top 20 items to check, before the home inspection, to sell your home.

 (See below for a detailed explanation of each item)



If you feel that this list is too daunting then we recommend that you hire a home inspector to check out everything for you before listing your house for sale. This will cut down on any surprises that may arise. To give you an idea of what a home inspector sees throughout his day to day inspections, here’s a video to give you an idea.